What is SSI?

Shoe Stability Index (SSI) is an indicator of shoe stability, as an index. SSI is derived through mathematically combining the quantified measurements of midfoot stability (TCI) and hindfoot stability (VCI), indicating the shoe’s overall ability to control the motion of the foot.

What is TCI?

Torsion Control Index (TCI) is a measurement of midfoot shoe stability, in inch-pound units (in.-lbs.). TCI is measured through actively twisting a shoe around the longitudinal axis of the shoe, from the heel to the area of the toes joints, simulating rotational forces of the foot, and measuring the shoe’s resistance to this motion.

The higher the TCI, the firmer the midfoot and more torsional stability. The lower the TCI, the softer the midfoot and less torsional stability.

What is VCI?

Vertical Compression Index (VCI) is a measurement of hindfoot shoe stability, in millimeters (mm). VCI is measured through compression of the heel portion of the shoe under a fixed amount of pressure, thereby measuring how the structure of the shoe controls rearfoot motion.

The higher the VCI, the softer the midsole and less hindfoot stability. The lower the VCI, the firmer the midsole and more hindfoot stability.

What is Loaded Heel to Toe Drop?

Loaded Heel to Toe Drop is the measurement in millimeters of the height of the heel relative to the fore foot when compressed to a fixed poundage. This can be defined as vertical support.

What is RI?

Rebound Index (RI) is an indicator of energy return of shoe to the foot, in millimeters (mm). RI is measured through compression of the heel portion of the shoe under a fixed amount of pressure, and then determining how much force the shoe exerts on the foot.

Hallux Valgus (Bunion)

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  • Pain and tenderness on medial side of the first metatarsal joint (big toe)
  • Pain may increase when area is compressed
  • Pain increases with walking and running activities

Possible Causes

  • Pronation may increase symptoms
  • May be hereditary
  • May be aggravated by soft and unstable shoes

Shoe Profile

The long axis of the shoe should provide maximum torsional control of medial foot rotation (pronation) and the midsole should provide proper vertical support. Proper support lessens the pressure on the joint of the big toe during the weight-bearing phase of the gait cycle. A wider toe box is advisable to decrease pressure on the first metatarsal head.


Neutral (mild pronators) – Over-the-counter may be beneficial
Moderate to excessive pronators – Custom orthotics may be beneficial

Shoe Recommendations

The following shoes meet these criteria. Please click on the appropriate link to see the shoes and their test data.

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Recommended Accessories

SuperFeet arch supports

Reduces pronation and stabilizes the foot to reduce unwanted forces on the bunion.

Bunion splints

Assist in passively straightening the big toe. Can be effectively worn at night.

PediFix Toe Spacers

Can be worn in a shoe and may provide comfort and pain relief.


**Please consult your physican before engaging in an exercise program.**

Big Toe Joint Up Stretch
Big Toe Joint Down Stretch
  1. Sit with leg to be stretched crossed over opposite leg or sit on firm service
  2. Grasp forefoot at base of big toe with hand on side to be stretched
  3. With index finger, long finger and thumb of opposite hand grasp the big toe near the base.
  4. Hold the base fo the big toe still, bend the big toe downward and hold
  5. Return to starting position, relax, and repeat
  1. Sit with leg to be stretched crossed over opposite leg or sit on firm service
  2. Grasp forefoot with hand on side to be stretched near the base of the big toe
  3. Take thumb of opposite hand and place under big toe towards the base
  4. Keep foot still and push up with thumb, bending big toe backward and hold
  5. Return to starting position, relax, and repeat

Images reproduced courtesy of T.E.D.© (Therapeutic Exercise Database) V. 2.0

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